
  • 希望进行的手术或治疗项目,或是您的疑问、希望改善的问题等等。 Which surgeries would you like to perform (or redo)? Such as Rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, double eyelid surgery and so on. If you don’t mind, please explain your further inquires to us as well.
  • 预计将在台湾停留多久的时间?How many days will you stay in Taiwan?
  • 希望门诊咨询的日期?Which date would you like to consult?
  • 台湾联络电话:(如无择免填) Your Phone number in Taiwan:(if you do have)
  • Personal document included partial pictures (front and side view), surgery history etc. 因医师的门诊及手术预约随时有变动,收到您的讯息后,我们将会回信或致电给您,尽速为您安排处理。